
22 years of industry experience in mechanical parts manufacturing


Precision machinery processing, welcome order 5 g base stations

by:HENRY PARTS     2020-12-19
Outbreak has affected the economy, but also brought new opportunities, ningbo precision machinery processing industry are preparing for big infrastructure orders. Big water era, big infrastructure directly benefit, precision parts processing could also benefit. Infrastructure of the matrix reloaded, natural, so a lot of equipment and equipment for ningbo precision machinery parts processing factory, is a new opportunity. Traditional infrastructure more palm, space is limited, and precision parts processing industry is not too big. Recent policy moves from the country, the new infrastructure is the direction of power, and ningbo precision machinery processing industry of blue ocean market. Especially the 5 g network on the basis of 'new construction', has brought us industry last year a wave of orders. Ningbo precision machining experts point out that, in order to hedge downward pressure on domestic economy, represented by 5 g 'new construction' is expected to begin in Q2, we, as the 'new construction' in the field of upstream suppliers, should start to prepare order in Q1, carried out along with the return to work and production, a lot of precision parts processing order has been on the road. With the overweight macro policies, on the basis of the 5 g network once again become a 'new construction' of tuyere, precision parts processing industry once stood in the tuyere, this opportunity is really difficult to meet! Standing on the tuyere, pigs can fly, ningbo precision machinery parts processing manufacturer can fly? In fact, as long as you have done orders, fly, don't fall doesn't matter.
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