
22 years of industry experience in mechanical parts manufacturing

How can I contact HENRY PARTS?
You can contact NINGBO HENRY PARTS INC. in a variety of ways. We recommend that you contact our staff directly. On our website, you can have a detailed understanding of the company, you can contact us by email, WhatsApp, WeChat or by phone at your convenience. At the bottom of the website, there is a form for you to fill out. Please leave a message and our staff will contact you as soon as possible.

With the spirit of continuous innovation, HENRY PARTS has developed into a highly developed company. HENRY PARTS produces a number of different product series, including Product. HENRY PARTS auto parts manufacturer will go through strict quality testings. They include structure stability testing, mechanical properties testing, materials elements inspection, and dimension accuracy. The product is well-known for its high-temperature resistance. Trial order is accepted when we has stock of materials. This hard product can withstand high repeated movements without break down.

Honesty is cornerstone for long-term development of our company . Ask!
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